Monday, March 8, 2010


I chose the Web 2.0 tool Story Jumper. On of the classes I teach is Creative Writing for high school seniors. I wanted to choose something that can be used in the classroom, is free, and is easy to use. I found Story Jumper to fit all of these areas.

Home Page (Figure 1)

Before starting the online application, you can play with the interface but in order to save anything, a user name and password needs to be created. By clicking "sign-up" you will be able to create an account (see Fig. 1). Once that is done it is time to play.

Interface (Figure 2)

The interface is easy to use (see Fig 2). The top panel shows all the pages in the book you are creating. The left panel has different scene templates and objects. It operates with common point and click control and even allows layering. Click on the page then the object and the object appears on that page. You can copy, rotate, and re-size objects. I also found that the graphics are vector files which means the size of the object doesn't degrade the object or create pixelation (see Fig 3).The program also allows a user to import personal photos.

Vector Objects (Figure 3)

The only possible drawback to this program is the temptation to order a copy of your book for $24.95.

(Screen shots taken with Skitch)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I chose the following RSS feeds for the following simple reasons:
Apple-Technology leader. We all know Apple could be better but they do create the very best simple products for the masses. The iPad and iPhone are leaders in the market and they will only get better and more powerful as they permeate the live of people who love technology, like me.

Education Technology- I support and promote the implementation of technology in schools. I believe we need to not only get better technology in schools but also give teachers the opportunity to learn how to use this new technology. Most of the times I believe a lot of technology goes to waste because of the lack of training. This blog will help me learn and understand current issues with technology in schools.

Edutopia- Great info on education, technology, and teaching. I have found there are a lot of videos that show real teachers and real students implementing technology in schools. The videos are not only inspirational but they also motivate me to become a better teacher.

PBS Teachers: Media Literacy- I am hoping for information for improvement and integration of media literacy. I know that my Action Research project will deal with media literacy. I believe it is often ignored and needs the same attention as other academic areas.

TED Talks- Amazing. Inspiring. Unbelievable. Get ready for an eye-popping, jaw-dropping experience. TED Talks are the very best presentations on the internet. They can be used in all academic areas. The presentations are between three and 20 minutes so being able to watch them is a breeze. Even if you don't care about the topic, TED Talks are useful representations of how to give a presentation. The formula is called the TED Commandments; ten rules all TEDsters must follow during their presentation. Watch. Learn. Enjoy. You will not be disappointed.
YouTube: TED Talks- Never too much TED.
Thanks, Ken